ESP32 Poly-Phase Power Meter

ESP32 Poly-Phase Power Meter

ESP32 is used as main microcontroller with a poly-phase power meter AFE. The board has PoE and W5500 100Mbps PHY interface to do communication and to feed power. The ESP32 runs an embedded web server, which is developed in Svelte web framework.

Key Features

  • 1 x ESP32-S3 microcontroller (Esspressif ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N8R2, dual-core XTensa LX7, 240 MHz. 512 KB SRAM, 8MB Flash and 2MB PSRAM)
  • 1 x Analog Front-End for 3-phase input (Analog Devices ADE7878, polyphase multifunction energy metering IC)
  • 1 x 100Mbps Ethernet PHY (Wiznet W5500)
  • 1 x 10W PoE module

PCB Design

  • Designed in EasyEDA Pro
  • Prototyped by JLCPCB

Software Development

  • Microcontroller firmware developed in ESP-IDF, C language
  • Web UI is developed with Svelte web framework, TypeScript language